Lucian Anderson

MSc Candidate in Geography, University of Victoria
BA Geography, University of Hawai’i at Manoa      

I am from Washington state but have spent a considerable amount of time on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. I am interested in using ROVs and UAVs to better understand local ecosystems to assist in creating better environmental management decisions. I got my BA in Geography from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa in addition to a Marine GIS certificate. During the initial COVID-19 outbreak I had to change my project to an interactive map featuring the travels of pirates from the Golden Age of Piracy. I also have experience with outreach through my courses at the University of Hawai’i and my volunteer work at the Puget Sound Estuarium in Olympia, Washington, USA. I, along with some colleagues, had to gather responses from environmental organizations across the Hawaiian Islands in hopes to improve the relationships between the public, government, and organizations. 

Outside of academia, I enjoy spending time outdoors through hiking. I want to hike in every National Park in the United States. My favorite National Parks are Hawai’i Volcanoes and Congaree National Parks. Slowly but surely, I will achieve this goal. I also enjoy playing disc golf, snorkeling, learning Spanish, and cooking. If it's sunny and warm, you will likely see me outside.