Shawn Meredyk

PhD Candidate in Geography, University of Victoria  
MSc Environmental Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland
BSc Marine Biology, University of New Brunswick Saint John
BSc Electrical Engineering, DeVry       

As part of the BCKelpR team, I`m investigating how biotic and abiotic environmental drivers have and will affect the kelp forests of Haida Gwaii with respect to climate change.

I use satellite imagery, traditional ecological knowledge, drone, kayak, and SCUBA diver-collected imagery combined with oceanographic datasets to help identify hotspots of resiliency which will contribute to kelp management strategies for Haida Gwaii.

I cycle-tour, hike, camp, fish, kayak, SCUBA dive, kite, and surf when I can. I am looking forward to exploring Vancouver Island backcountry and sailing around the island some day.

I was previously working for non-profit organizations in the capacity of oceanographic mooring program leader in the Canadian Arctic on IceBreakers for over a decade and studied Atlantic deep-sea coral and sponge ecology offshore Newfoundland and Labrador.