PhD Alumni

PhD Geography

Research Areas:
I am currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Remote Sensing Division of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) in Brazil. My research interests lie on the use of Geomatics to study and model spatial and temporal ecological processes on wetland environments, at the landscape and ecosystem levels. I am especially interested in understanding and predicting the effects of climatic and environmental change on wetland vegetation ecology and biogeochemistry
Thesis Project:
My thesis research focused on assessing the contribution of aquatic plants (macrophytes) to the carbon balance of the Amazon floodplain, and its susceptibility to climate change. The amazonian macrophytes are associated with the highest methane emission rates in the floodplain, and also exhibit the highest degree of variability both in space (distibution) and time (productivity), thus representing one of the primary sources of uncertainty in current carbon cycle models for flooded Amazon ecosystems.
To see what Thiago is working on now visit here.